Break Free

I feel like a giant.

And not in a good way.

It bothers me that I don’t feel small.

This goes far beyond those 10 extra pounds every woman wants to loose (gah can we get over THAT already?). This is about feeling like you are taking up too much space in the entire scope of existence. I know I am not the only one as I have confided in many other women who, shockingly feel the exact same way.

I don’t weigh 100lbs so I am far too big to be delicate.

I am far too loud and opinionated to be cute and shy.

I am far too independent to be the damsel in distress.

I walk around sometimes feeling like there isn’t enough space for my energy, my body, my voice to all coexist inside what is supposed to be a feminine form. It’s the small girls that get picked up and swung around. It’s the ones who shop in the petite section at the store that everyone thinks are adorable… and small. I am far too rough to be one of those girls. And most of the time I am not only ok with not being one of those girls, I flat don’t want to be. I like beer and food. Sorry not sorry. I also like trucks, guns, horses, and hunting. Sorry, not sorry. I like that I can move all my furniture by myself. I have literally never needed anyone to open a damn jar for me or reach the higher shelf. I’ll get it my damn self.

But there are times when society doesn’t like girls like us (and I’d beg to argue that there are far more girls like me than the small ones), and you feel too tall. Too big. Too loud. Too strong. There are times society says that everything you are, is too big. Your aura, who you are, the energy you put into the world, is too big.

But the truth is, no one is too big. The world has grown far too small. Girls like us are not meant to be loved by small minded men. We are not meant to live in places we cannot stretch our arms out wide and praise at the top of our lungs. We are not meant to be surrounded by spaces that confine.

We, ladies, are built for the wild. We are built for mountains and wolves, deserts and eagles, prairies and buffalo, canyons and wild horses, grand adventure and warrior men. We are not too big, we are simply living in an all too small world. Break free. Stay Wild.

What say you?